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Hotel the niu Belt
AddressMergenthalerallee 23-25
65760 Eschborn
phone0 61 96 93 49 49 0
Parking for the disabled2
Locationrechts neben dem Gebäude
Main entrance
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
Sliding door
Width of door130 cm
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
Enclosed lift
Self call
length210 cm
Booth: witdth90 cm
Top control138 cm
Staircase inside the building
Height of steps18 cm
Handrailleft and right
1st basement floor
Toilet for the disabled
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
Door opens outwards
Width of door100 cm
Space in front of the toilet150 cm x 150 cm
Space in front of the toilet: width120 cm
Distance to wall left, seated position80 cm
Handle on the lefthinged
Distance to wall right, seated position77 cm
Handle on the righthinged
Sitting hight46 cm
Top control110 cm
Emergency call
Basin wheelchair-accessible
Heigth lower edge66 cm
Ladies' toilet
Width of door81 cm
Width of the booth door60 cm
Gents' toilet
Width of door81 cm
Width of the booth door60 cm