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No barriers for wheelchair usersLimited access for wheelchair usersToilets for Ladies and Gents availableBarrier-free parking placesNo barriers for families
Bäckerei Flach
AddressElly-Beinhorn-Straße 5-8
65760 Eschborn
phone0 61 96 77 47 74 7

Opening hours



Parking for the disabled6
 Main entrance
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Sliding door
Width of door181 cm
 ground floor

Toilet for the disabled

Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door93 cm
Space in front of the toilet150 cm x 150 cm
Distance to wall left, seated position90 cm
Handle on the lefthinged
Distance to wall right, seated position78 cm
Handle on the rightfixed
Sitting hight47 cm
Top control112 cm
 Unisex toilet
Width of door93 cm