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No barriers for wheelchair usersLimited access for wheelchair usersNo barriers for families
Schulkinderhaus Hartmutschule
AddressPestalozzistraße 7a
65760 Eschborn
phone0 61 96 49 01 49

Opening hours

 Main entrance
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door100 cm

Staircase inside the building

Height of steps18 cm
Handrailleft and right
 ground floor


 Entrance to room
 Door opens inwards
Width of door100 cm

Toilet for the disabled

Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door94 cm
Space in front of the toilet: width150 cm
length140 cm
Distance to wall left, seated position82 cm
Handle on the lefthinged
Distance to wall right, seated position46 cm
Handle on the righthinged
Sitting hight46 cm
Top control142 cm
 Emergency call
 Basin wheelchair-accessible
Heigth lower edge77 cm
LocationIm Eingangsbereich


 Weitere Räume im 1. Obergeschoss.