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No barriers for wheelchair usersToilets for Ladies and Gents availableBarrier-free parking placesNo barriers for families
Ristorante Pizzeria Lucania
AddressHauptstraße 231
65760 Eschborn
phone0 61 73 66 65 5
Fax0 61 73 32 76 35 2

Opening hours

Tue-Sat12:00-14:30 and 17:30-21:00


Parking for the disabled2
 Main entrance
Steps in front of the door1
Height of steps19 cm
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door104 cm
  towards the entrance
 mobile ramp
Length125 cm
Width151 cm
Height20 cm
 ground floor


 Entrance to floor
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens inwards
Width of door104 cm
 Ladies' toilet
Width of door81 cm
Width of the booth door56 cm
 Gents' toilet
Width of door81 cm
Width of the booth door56 cm