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No barriers for wheelchair usersToilets for Ladies and Gents availableNo barriers for families
Kindertagesstätte Weingärten
AddressIn den Weingärten 15
65760 Eschborn
phone0 61 73 68 22 1

Opening hours

 Main entrance
Steps in front of the door3
Height of steps14 cm
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door95 cm
 mounted ramp
Length225 cm
Width120 cm
Height50 cm
 ground floor


 Entrance to room
Area in front of the door: width150 cm
length100 cm
 Door opens inwards
Width of door95 cm
Steps behind the door3
Height of steps20 cm


 Entrance to room
Area in front of the door: width140 cm
length150 cm
 Door opens outwards
Width of door95 cm
 Unisex toilet
Width of door70 cm
Width of the booth door50 cm
LocationNeben dem Bewegungsraum